Golden Gate Drift Round 3

We're back at Stockton 99 for round 3 of Golden Gate Drift. After taking a big hit tandeming with Paul, Jose couldn't make it to this round. We are following Faruk Kugay this round as he defends his first place position.
Faruk's S14 is definitely showing signs of battle. Three rounds of Golden Gate Drift and Vegas Drift has taken its toll on the BN Sports widebody kit. In search of those higher entry speeds, Faruk made contact with the wall and bent an inner tie rod. Thankfully it didn't damage too much else.
Contact with the wall was a small issue that was handled quickly. The bent lower control arm was skillfully handled by Marcus Fry. Meanwhile, Alex was swapping out the steering rack and finding a solution for the bent inner tierod. Twenty minutes later and with the help of a tow truck, Faruk was back on track laying down the smoke - just in time for qualifying.
Faruk was able to put down a third place qualifier in his quickly repaired S14. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case for Russian drifter Ekaterina Sedykh.
The awesome guys at the DriftCave were able to reassemble the car in the time for qualifying. Seeing all these broken Powered By Max parts really hurts.
Despite the quick repairs, the car didn't look settled. Alignment affects driver feel so much, and Sedykh unfortunately could not put down a clean qualifying run.
Faruk was knocked out during Top 8 battle against Joe Tardiff. This put Tardiff against teammate Crick Fillipi for a Team Burn the Most top 2.
More photos here. We will be back Round 4 to see how this season unfolds!